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Sara Nguyen | Social Media Rocketeer
Sara N - Online Marketing Strategist

I'm a wine lover and coffee addict who is also super nerdy and really good at all of the "geeky" and "techy" marketing stuff.

I am passionate about helping small businesses accelerate their business growth leveraging the power of online and social media marketing.

All Posts by Sara Nguyen | Social Media Rocketeer
New course: Pinterest Business Marketing Essentials

I'm thrilled to share my newest course, Pinterest Business Marketing Essentials.

If you're looking to grow your business marketing efforts with Pinterest—a social media site that is a great source of web traffic for your website or blog—then you've discovered the ideal course!

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, I'd love to hear them!

Curiously yours,
Sara Nguyen | Social Media Rocketeer

Facebook Marketing Essentials, now on Curious.com

I'm thrilled to share my newest course, Facebook Marketing Essentials.

Facebook has tons of tools that can be used to boost your business's Facebook page! From the ad manager to public groups, learn everything you need to know to increase sales with Facebook marketing.

If you've been struggling to figure out how to get Facebook to work for your business and you've felt overwhelmed by what to do - I'll help you make sense of it all.

It's time to start leveraging the world's largest social network to grow your business.

Here's to your success!
Sara Nguyen | Social Media Rocketeer

Designing a Beautifully Branded Website

I am excited to share my latest course on Curious, Designing a Beautifully Branded Website!

Are you an up-and-coming business owner who needs a website? In this marketing course, learn how to set up a stunning website that reflects your personality and generates leads and sales.

I hope you enjoy the new course!

Curiously yours,
Sara Nguyen | Social Media Rocketeer

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